This summer Burgundy plans to treat Covid like other communicable diseases. At this stage of the pandemic we no longer feel that certain mitigation strategies are required, but, we recognize the need to take proactive steps to keep our campers and counselors healthy. We also understand that the state of the pandemic can change at any time, for better or worse, and we are prepared to react accordingly. We will start the summer with the genearl strategies below, at the core of which is asking campers and counsleors to stay home if they are showing signs and symptoms of ANY contagious disease.
Staying Home When Sick: Our main strategy this summer will be asking campers and counselors to stay home when they are showing signs or symptoms of ANY contagious disease. This will be very important to not only mitigate the spread of Coivd, but other infectious diseases as well, and will be insturmental in keeping our campers and counselors on campus. Parents are asked to assess the health of thier children each day before sending them to camp to ensure that they are healthy enough to safely participate. All staff will be asked to do the same. Any camper or staff member that shows symptoms of any contagious disease while at camp will be assessed by our medical staff and likely sent home.
Campers who stay home sick, or are sent home from camp for symptoms of a contagious disease, will need to follow the following protocols:
1. If the camper has a contagious illness and has been prescribed antibiotics, they are eligible to return to camp 24 hours after the first dose.
2. If the camper is ill but is not prescribed antibiotics or medication, they are eligible to return to camp 24 hours after the onset of symptoms.
3. If any camper is out sick and takes medication they will need a doctors note stating they are able to return to camp.
Masks: Masks will be optional, indoors and outdoors, for everyone on campus. All campers, counselors, and parents should feel comfortable making the decision that is best for them without any worry about judgement. If we have some Covid cases in specific camp groups we may suggest and encourage that campers and counsleors mask, primairly indoors, for a short period of time.
Vaccines/Boosters: Burgundy strongly encourages everyone who is eligible to get vaccinated and boosted, but, we are not requirng it for campers or counselors.
Hand Hygiene: Burgundy will continue to encourage frequent hand washing, especially before and after eating, outdoor play, or any other “hands-on” activity.
Burgundy will tighten, or loosen, these strategies based gudiance from state and federal health organizations, and the overall health of our camp community.
Priority Registration for Returning Camp Families: January 27 @ 10:00am
Open Registration: February 3 @ 10:00am
BFSDC 2025 Dates:
Session 1: June 16-June 27 *No camp on Thursday, June 19 (All camp fees prorated)
Session 2: June 30-July 11 *No camp on Friday July 4 (All camp fees prorated)
Session 3: July 14-25
Session 4: July 28-August 8
Camp Hours:
8-8:30am - Arrival
8:30am-4pm - Camp Day
4-4:30pm Dismissal
4-6pm - After Camp Care
Burgundy's Summer Day Camp provides nature and nurture all summer long and is ACA accredited.
Voted Northern Virginia Magazine Best Summer Camps 2020
©2025 Burgundy Farm Country Day School
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