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Burgundy Horsemanship Camp

Burgundy Horsemanship Camp: Rising 2nd – 6th Graders / Ages 7-11

Fee: $1500/Session *Sessions 1 and 2 prorated accordingly.  

The Burgundy Farm Summer Day Camp is very happy to announce that the Burgundy Horsemanship Camp is back for summer 2025!  Campers will once again be able to enjoy the best of Burgundy Stables in the morning and the Burgundy Farm Summer Day Camp in the afternoon.  Read on to learn more about the exciting return of this summer camp favorite!

Session 1: 6/16 – 6/27  *No camp on Wednesday, 6/19, all fees will be prorated
Session 2: 6/30 – 7/11 
*No camp on Friday, 7/5, all fees will be prorated
Session 3: 7/14 – 7/25
Session 4: 7/28 – 8/8

Back for Summer 2025: the Burgundy Horsemanship Camp!

Burgundy Farm Summer Day Camp is proud to announce the return of our successful camp program Burgundy Horsemanship Camp!  

What is Horsemanship Camp? Horsemanship Camp is a fun way for kids to learn about horses. This camp is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of those with experience and introduce horsemanship to those unfamiliar with horses. All levels of riders are welcome, from beginners to advanced. Throughout the week, campers will learn about the operation of a small horse farm, including the animals, how to care for them, and riding skills.

Campers will begin their day by arriving at Burgundy Farm Summer Day Camp by 8:30 am each day. After being checked in by their counselors, they will make the short wooded walk to the Burgundy Stables for the horsemanship portion of their program, from 9 am to 1 pm. An experienced and qualified instructor from Burgundy Stables will lead this part of the camp day, with Burgundy Farm Summer Day Camp counselors supporting all logistics and non-riding activities.

Burgundy Stables does not run just a “riding camp.” We run a “Horsemanship Camp.” The philosophy of this camp is that children should have fun while they learn. Campers learn about the many aspects of how to ride but also what it takes to care for a horse! To provide this broad experience, campers will be introduced to the necessary horse-related chores, including cleaning stalls, filling water buckets, and throwing hay. Please let your camper know that some dirty work and riding will be involved!  Campers will have the opportunity to ride every other day during the camp, and on non-riding days they will learn all about the work it takes to run a small horse farm.  It is rewarding when campers realize they’re learning to care for a horse and that it’s a big animal and a big responsibility!

Campers will return to Burgundy Farm Summer Day Camp after lunch at Burgundy Stables. In the afternoon, they will have instructional swim time in Burgundy’s outdoor pool, a chance to enjoy Burgundy’s campus and playgrounds and participate in camp-wide programming. The highlight of the afternoon portion of this camp will be the pool time campers have each day. What better way to cool down after a morning of working and riding at Burgundy Stables than participating in swim lessons with our experienced swim staff and lifeguards?

Riders are responsible for providing their own apparel, including an ASTM/SEI-approved helmet, gloves, boots, or hard-soled shoes with heels, and riding breeches/jodhpurs or other long-legged pants (no shorts). There are a small number of helmets available for general use, but we recommend that all campers purchase their own helmets for proper fit and safety.



Priority Registration for Returning Camp Families: January 27 @ 10:00am
Open Registration: February 3 @ 10:00am

BFSDC 2025 Dates:  

Session 1: June 16-June 27 *No camp on Thursday, June 19 (All camp fees prorated)

Session 2: June 30-July 11 *No camp on Friday, July 4 (All camp fees prorated)  

Session 3: July 14-25

Session 4: July 28-August 8

Camp Hours:

8-8:30am - Arrival

8:30am-4pm - Camp Day

4-4:30pm Dismissal

4-6pm - After Camp Care

Burgundy's Summer Day Camp provides nature and nurture all summer long and is ACA accredited.

Voted Northern Virginia Magazine Best Summer Camps 2020

©2025 Burgundy Farm Country Day School

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